Michelle Leber

Michelle Leber was born in Melbourne and raised by Slovenian emigrants. Since she completed her training in Chinese Medicine in the early 1990s, her clinical skills have been sought by universities, colleges and community-based welfare agencies. In more recent years, she has concurrently been writing poetry.Her poems have been commended in the Rosemary Dobson Award (2010) and highly commended in the Val Vallis Award (2011); a poem dedicated to the artist Clarice Beckett won the Bayside Poets Prize in 2011. Her work has appeared in international publications and in Australian newspapers, journals and anthologies, including The Best Australian Poems series. Her first book of poetry, The Weeping Grass, was published in 2010.Michelle discovered the subject of her latest book, the Yellow Emperor, during her undergraduate studies. As a poet and acupuncturist, it is through the Emperor that she has found a way to combine her two abiding practices.(Photo: Nicholas Walton-Healey)


The Yellow Emperor


Jo Langdon


Miriam Wei Wei Lo