Louise Oxley

Louise Oxley was born Louise Hawker in Hobart in 1955. She has taught English as a second language for many years, both at home in Australia and overseas in France and Thailand, and now works as language and academic skills adviser to international students at the University of Tasmania.Poems in this collection, her second, have won several national awards, including the Melbourne Poets Union and Tom Collins Prizes and the Bruce Dawe Prize in both 2004 and 2007. Her first book, Compound Eye (Five Islands Press, 2003), was commended in the Anne Elder Award. A selection of her poems appears in Moorilla Mosaic: Contemporary Tasmanian Writing (Bumble-bee Books, 2001) and in Wagtail 41, Sitting with Cézanne (Picaro Press, 2005). She is the Tasmanian editor for Blue Dog: Australian Poetry. She has served on Arts Tasmania advisory panels and on the Tasmanian Writers Centre board.Copies of Buoyancy are available direct from the author. Please email Louise for more information at: louise.oxley@gmail.com




Anna Kerdijk Nicholson


Claire Potter